Since March 19, 2024, which procedures can DENTAL PRACTITIONERS encode via immediate direct payment (PID)?
PID 19 Apr, 2024

Since March 19, 2024, dental practitioners have been able to use the services and procedures listed in the dental practitioners' nomenclature within the framework of immediate direct payment (PID), with the following exceptions for now:
- Procedures not included in the dental practitioners' nomenclature or the CNS-AMMD convention
- Medical procedures provided under the competence of the accident insurance association
- Procedures billed to a person benefiting from social third-party payment
- Procedures subject to ACM or APCM
- Procedures subject to DSD - except those listed in article 4 of the nomenclature (invoice serves as quotation)
- Inpatient hospital treatment
- Placement of bone implants on the skull and face (DB95 to DB98)
- Removable dental prosthesis (DA11 to DA75)
- Unfinished treatment for removable prosthesis (DA91 to DA96)
- Fixed prosthesis (DB13 to DB54)
- Unfinished treatment for fixed prosthesis (DB91 to DB93)
- Orthodontics (DT10 to DT62)
- Services reserved for accident insurance (DW18 to DW31)
- Other procedures: FD45, FD46, DR1
For clarity, here are the only DSD procedures included in the PID system (cf. article 4 of the nomenclature, the invoice serves as a quotation): DS18, DS19, DA52, DA64, DB36, and DB37.