Deployment of PID (Immediate Direct Payment) to all medical specialties starting from March 19, 2024

Paiement immédiat direct   25 Mar, 2024

Einführung der sofortigen direkten Zahlung (PID) für alle medizinischen Fachrichtungen ab dem 19. März 2024.

After the pilot phase reserved for general practitioners in September 2023, the CNS opened access to PID to all physicians and dentists starting March 19, 2024.

What are the advantages of immediate direct payment for the physician?

  • The portion covered by health insurance is paid directly to the physician.
  • Immediate validation and payment of billed services.
  • Administrative simplification.

My billing software is not ready for electronic communication with the CNS. What should I do?

If your billing software is not yet capable of using the web services provided by the mySecu, CNS, and E-santé platforms, Doctipro offers a solution suitable for any software configuration. Transition to Immediate Direct Payment (PID) now without any difficulty.

What is PID exactly?

Immediate Direct Payment (PID) allows physicians to receive the portion of the fee covered by health insurance directly from the CNS. The CNS transfer is made immediately, so the physician receives the corresponding amount in their bank account within seconds. The patient's portion is paid directly by the patient, who only needs to pay their personal share.

To which CNS insured individuals does immediate direct payment apply?

PID applies to all individuals covered by health and maternity insurance (CNS, CMFEP, CMFEC, EMCFL) in Luxembourg. The CNS is the responsible reimbursement body.

What about other reimbursement/coverage options?

PID is not intended to replace the current reimbursement method. It complements other types of reimbursement. Classic and expedited reimbursements still exist, particularly:

  1. If the physician is not yet (technically) ready for PID.
  2. When calls to PID services fail.
  3. If the patient does not wish to use PID.
  4. In case of disagreement with CNS pricing (physician and/or patient).

In other words, any fee statement for which the insured (or a third party) has advanced the costs can be submitted to the CNS for reimbursement.

In the context of PID, how should I account for personal conveniences (CP)?

You must bill special CP rates, personal convenience, through your software in addition to the other services you provided to your patients. Clearly indicate the specific fees you will charge your patient: CP1 to CP7 for physicians, CP1 to CP8 for dentists. Simply indicating "CP" without specifying the nature of the personal convenience is insufficient.

Reminder: CP1 to CP8 special fees are not covered by health insurance and are entirely the responsibility of the insured.

When will the CNS make the corresponding payment in a PID transaction?

The CNS portion is initiated "directly" and uniformly (one payment corresponds to one and only one fee receipt). The transfer will be made immediately, provided that technical feasibility exists (among other things, the physician's bank must be SEPA Instant Ready and/or part of the PID partner banks).

Banks in Luxembourg currently able to receive PID instant transfers: BCEE (Spuerkeess), BGL BNP Paribas, Raiffeisen, BIL, and ING. This list may gradually expand.

What measures in the PID entitle the physician to receive a quarterly compensation for digital fees?

For the physician to be entitled to compensation under immediate direct payment, the entire PID process must be successfully completed, meaning a PID transaction that has been fully realized and resulted in a payment to the physician. Compensation is automatically paid, and the physician does not need to submit a separate request.

The compensation is calculated based on a rate currently of 0.44 EUR (44 cents) excluding VAT per effective PID transaction.

According to Article 110 of the Convention between the National Health Fund and the Order of Physicians and Dentists for physicians; and according to Article 111 of the Convention between the National Health Fund and the Association of Physicians and Dentists for dentists.

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